My Slogs

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Foreign policy - Whats the truth?

Its interesting to read Karas hope - "I have hope that both of
the major parties will someday stop slapping a band aid on a cut
that needs stitches - and look at real viable solutions to our
foreign policy problems - not just blowing up parts of countries

someday. " I completely agree on this point as its resonates with
what I had in mind.

I am originally from India, and getting
familiar with the political parties issues etc here. My view
about both the parties (after coming to power) with regard to
Foreign Policy. I believe that at the basic level,for both the
parties the Core American Interest is top priority. In the
process to achieve short term gains, I see a policy pattern by
both parties which has had both good and bad aftermaths. I am
sure most of you know the good and bad things which happened.
(dates are approx)
1. World war : getting Stalins support to crush Hitler

2. 1979-89(Afgan war) : getting Afgans(mujahiddin) &
Pakistan dictators support to crush Soviets. In the process
closing an eye on Pakistans Nuclear programme & distribution to
NorthKorea, Libya, Iran etc. (this did not happen just a few
weeks ago). Also led to Alkeda etc..

3. 1980-86 (Iran-Iraq war):
support Saddam (with chemicals etc) to crush Iran. i hear the
DefenceSec. had some cosiness before with saddam

4. Dr.Kissingers & Nixons exploits in Vietnam and other dramas in
South America.
(I am not familar much- but know the gist of what happened - if
the documentry accounts are true ;-)

5. Support for
Dictators/Theocracies: Blind support for Egypts regimen,
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Chile etc #2 issue Afgan war is an eye
opener for me as it was close to home - India at that time while
I was there and I have been reading a book on the 80's Afgan
war. Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the
Largest Covert Operation in History by George Crile . Shows how
a congressman(Joe Wilson) and a pakistan dictator (Ziahul haq)
had a good time.

Some of my conclusions are : 1. When it comes
to Foreign Policy both the parties are not truthful ( in the name
of greater good or national security) to the American Public.

2.I feel (after staying here for a decade now) that American people
are honest and trust their politicians more than any other
democratic setup (like in europe, india, etc). It continues to be
so even after reading the secret reports (opened after sometime).
That means to say American public are forgiving, or naive or
dont-care attitude when it comes to their leaders flawed foreign
policy. A good example as Kara points out. A bar manager is more
accountable to his clients welfare, than the president. How can
this happen? . I am running out of issues now.I think I made my

In summary, Both the parties are not truthful to their
people and have some consistent flawed foreign policies. But my
hope is that the American people's good ness will get the
upperhand and be seen by the outside world - as I see it .